legal notices
Legal notices
Editor :
The website is produced and edited by the creative studio VIENS-LA. The graphic design was created by Georges Riu. The products purchased on this website are sold through the company CHORIO SAS with a capital of 5000 euros, R.C.S of Paris 508 514 594, whose head office is located at 22 rue Truffaut 75017 Paris, registered with the R.C.S of Paris under the N° SIRET 53252444400033 - N° VAT FR2853254444 - APE 4638B
The director of the publication is Pierre-Julien Chantzios (Co-founder of Kalios).
Contact :
Host :
7 Pace de la Gare
57200 Sarreguemines
B 431 303 775 - N° SIRET 43130377500016
Tel : 0970 808 911
Credits :
All rights of reproduction or quotation reserved to KALIOS. The majority of our visuals were taken by the photographer Benedetta Chiala. Some of the images are the property of the people mentioned in them.
Hypertext link :
Kalios authorizes you, on a non-exclusive and revocable basis, to create a hypertext link to the home page of the site (the "Site") or to any other page of the Site, provided that :
- this link does not create a false, misleading, derogatory, counterfeit or prejudicial character to the products offered for sale on the Site, to Kalios or to any of its registered trademarks
- it opens a new window and is presented in an unequivocal manner in order to avoid any risk of confusion between the quoting site and the site
The owner of the site reserves the right to ask for the removal of a link if he considers that the source site does not respect the rules thus defined. Kalios shall not be held liable for the creation of such a link in any way whatsoever.
Intellectual property :
Unless otherwise stated, all elements accessible on the site (texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software, etc.) remain the exclusive property of their authors, as far as intellectual property rights or usage rights are concerned.
The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data and any other element of the website, by any process or format whatsoever, without prior written authorisation from Kalios, is prohibited (with the exception of copies for private use and those made for the needs of the press) and constitutes an counterfeit punishable by the Intellectual Property Code, liable to engage the civil and/or criminal responsibility of its author.
Interactivity :
The users of the site can possibly deposit contents, appearing on the site in dedicated spaces (in particular via the comments). The content submitted remains under the responsibility of its authors, who take full legal responsibility for it.
The owner of the site reserves the right to withdraw without notice and without justification any content posted by users that does not comply with the site's ethical charter or with the legislation in force.