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Huile 03 Kalios
Our olive oils

Our olive oils: how to associate them?

Kalios specificities

What is the difference between Kalios varieties?


Our olive oils are all made from the same kind of fruit, the Koroneiki. The difference between the four varieties we offer depends on when they are harvested, which determines how fruity(fruité) the oil becomes.

·                 Organic « BIO » vintage: harvested early in November

·                 Vintage #01: harvested in November

·                 Vintage #02: harvested in December

·                 Vintage #03: harvested in January

Gaspacho à l'huile d'olive Kalios • @BastienDechangy

Matching oil and dishes

How to choose which olive oil to use when cooking?


Here is a guide to help you:

·                 Bio vintage: salads, raw fish and meat, fresh cheese, tzatziki

·                 Vintage #01: salads, vegetable plates, steamed vegetables, loafs

·                 Vintage #02: fresh pasta, grilled fish and meat, marinade and salad dressing, cheese, home-made bread, humus.

·                 Vintage #03: white fish, home-made mashed potatoes, baking, chocolate cake, roasted fruits

If you wish to taste our four varieties of Kalios olive oil to better seize their specificities, proceed from vintage #3 to the BIO vintage

Association huile d'olive Kalios

How to choose your olive oil ?

How to recognize a great olive oil?


Extra virgin: in addition to its cold extraction (see below), an olive oil is extra virgin when its acidity level is less than 0.8%. The aromas of an extra virgin olive oil are more intense and it contains more antioxidants and no defects. The acidity of Kalios olive oils is less than 0.3%.


Monovarietal: a monovarietal oil is made from a single variety of olive. At Kalios, the oil is only produced from Koroneiki olives. Olive oils made from blends often lose flavor and complexity.


Cold-pressed: this is a more sophisticated process where the olive paste, after grinding, is not heated above 27 ° C. The olive oil that is extracted from it will then retain its aromas and nutritional benefits.


It is essential to pay attention to these three criteria when selecting your olive oil.

Kalios - Huile d'olive et origan


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